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7 Aug 2022

Raging 'Ba'al', White Horse, Asteroids Hurtling Towards Earth

The symbolic spectacles of our times as evil is on full display

Raging 'Ba'al', White Horse, Asteroids Hurtling Towards Earth

3 Aug 2022

You Are No Longer A Citizen Or A Human But A Suspect Criminal

A.I based 'psychophysiological' profiling of people based on visual stress level

You Are No Longer A Citizen Or A Human But A Suspect Criminal

2 Aug 2022

Printer, One Kosher Meal, Please!

3D printing of food through robot chefs are the new normal

Printer, One Kosher Meal, Please!

28 Jul 2022

"What Are You Protesting About, Dutch Farmers? Haven't You Heard About The Great Reset?"

Agenda 21 is busy at work as Europe sees protests increasing across the continent. Where will this end?

"What Are You Protesting About, Dutch Farmers? Haven't You Heard About The Great Reset?"

27 Jul 2022

'White Horse' Performance Art Powered By The Blockchain

What this re-release from 2001 conveys in the times we are living

'White Horse' Performance Art Powered By The Blockchain

26 Jul 2022

World Economic 'Fulcrum': The Guilt That Keeps Giving

The shift to 'owning nothing' might happen sooner than we expected. Thinking of buying an electric car? Forget it, go rent a life!

World Economic 'Fulcrum': The Guilt That Keeps Giving

24 Jul 2022

Right To Choice For A Woman In India?

Could the country be soon headed to that point of no return?

Right To Choice For A Woman In India?

23 Jul 2022

Google Fires Engineer Who Claimed LAMDA Was Sentient

Under the veil of safeguarding product information, we are the ones being laughed at

Google Fires Engineer Who Claimed LAMDA Was Sentient

21 Jul 2022

2 Billion Jabs: Statistical Ecstasy or Dystopian Eulogy?

India achieving another 'milestone' in administering 2 billion doses against Covid-19 engenders a worrying future.

2 Billion Jabs: Statistical Ecstasy or Dystopian Eulogy?

18 Jul 2022

India's National Biometric ID (Aadhaar) Launches Face Authentication App

Each day we get closer to the Tribulation. It's only a matter of time before the prophecies & events written in the Bible become a reality.

India's National Biometric ID (Aadhaar) Launches Face Authentication App

17 Jul 2022

Weird & Weirder: America Is Being Primed For Its First LGBTQIA2S President

Assistant Secretary for Health & Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition attend Bastille Day celebrations

Weird & Weirder: America Is Being Primed For Its First LGBTQIA2S President

15 Jul 2022

Georgia Guidestones No More!

The mystery surrounding these stones has been given a little more global exposure by its demolition, but will it change your mind about the times?

Georgia Guidestones No More!
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