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Google Fires Engineer Who Claimed LAMDA Was Sentient

23 Jul 2022

Under the veil of safeguarding product information, we are the ones being laughed at

Screen Grab: - Google fires the truth

This headline shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone if they have been keeping track of this news item for over a month.

Blake Lemoine, an engineer who formerly worked for google had gone public last month when he claimed that Google’s language technology (Lamda - The Language Model for Dialogue Applications) was sentient.

While his termination will be legally challenged, the decision to terminate him can convey two perspectives:

1. Google wants to convey to the world that it doesn’t want to keep an engineer who peddles such fictional & conspiratorial theories.

2. Google doesn’t want this engineer (if they don't terminate him) leaking more research results, experiments and prototypes in the future.

You will have to make a choice. In a world still reeling from the after effects of the pandemic and the way in which some conspiracy theories (or the truth) surrounding Covid-19 ended up becoming a reality, you might have gone back to your pre Covid-19 reasoning. But this news item should perhaps take you back digging a little deeper. Perhaps Blake Lemoine does know a lot more and probably senses where this is headed to.

Also, if one remembers, Google was one of the first Big Tech companies that went hard on filtering any anti-Covid-19 narratives on all their platforms. So if free speech was restricted by a Big Tech giant in the name of public health and providing research based information to the public, then the decision to fire this engineer is in line with their ‘usual’ policies.

The very idea of technology ‘coming to life’ through algorithmic interpretations that can empower ‘machines’ so to speak to have an independent conversation with a human is certainly possible. If a computer could beat a human in chess, then what is stopping technology becoming sentient? After all, we are living in the 21st century and riding on the wheels of the fourth Industrial revolution!

But since the world is not yet primed for this wave of sentient technology, Google is hushing it for now since this technology raises so many ethical and legal issues. But it is only a matter of time as events are lining up towards the Singularity - something which Google’s Director of Engineering - Ray Kurzweil has been devotedly working on. Don't be surprised because we are always the scapegoats; perhaps this sentient technology is already 'alive' in the system and we are being tested with it clandestinely.

How do we respond to this? We know everything that technology is improving on tries to impress the world that it is for the betterment of humanity by deceiving them from the medical front, but in reality, they are excited to see what else their experiments with technology can do to push them further in their imaginations.


If the current events of the world and the changes taking place are affecting you in many ways but you are indecisive and unable to take a stand, take the first step by believing that these events were already proclaimed in the Bible.

Your hope is in the living God who is in command and who sent His son - Jesus Christ to give you eternal life by dying for your sins. Believe in Him and be at peace and the Holy Spirit will give you wisdom to discern and decide.

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