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You Are No Longer A Citizen Or A Human But A Suspect Criminal

3 Aug 2022

A.I based 'psychophysiological' profiling of people based on visual stress level

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The rush to digitalise everything was the craze in the second decade of the 21st century, but now, in the third decade, empowering ‘everything that was digitalised’ with Artificial Intelligence is keeping companies busy.

The increase in biometric solutions being offered by companies has crept into almost every country around the world. As the days move along rapidly, these countries are building their respective biometric database of their citizens in line with ID 2020. Before the end of this decade, most countries would have completed a biometric database of all their citizens.

As it is, the countries and private-public partnerships - that have flooded the government's digital administration - own our biometric data. Therefore, we don’t necessarily have a digital right to our own body’s information.

It’s a matter of time before they come to collect our blood sample and store it in their glorified vaults.

But in the meantime, they are going to analyse our ‘stress level based on physiological indicators’. The key words are Liveness Detection and Visual Stress Analysis. Under the veil of its many uses besides psychological profiling, they are pushing this system to ‘detect impersonation, ID theft and presentation attacks’.

“We recently announced at a conference in the UK the addition of a new AI-based system to our border-control product,” continues Kaminer. “The system analyzes more than 3,000 open-source databases in real time to augment information on travelers. Sensority’s unique technology will join our existing border-control product and serve as another layer in our ability to carry out quick and accurate checks on travelers at border control. Border police will be able to ask travelers a number of predefined questions, such as the purpose of their visit, while monitoring their stress levels. In exceptional cases, poilce will refer passengers over to security officers in an internal interrogation room who will use the system as well. The process will be conducted without holding up the line, will be short and high-quality, and border police won’t have to rely only on their intuition to detect problems.” (Rafi Kaminer, founder and CEO of Pangea.)

It is nothing but using the advances of technology in ramping up even more fear in the citizens of each country. Everyone is being suspected of criminal intentions therefore the need to profile everyone at borders, terminals and any other point of entry and exit."

If they can do it at borders and terminals, then what’s stopping them from doing it in every sphere of life. Not that they will not do it or not doing it already, it’s a matter of time before we are told openly.

As more countries from the U.N member states create and/or complete their respective biometric database, these databases will soon be plugged into the blockchain and tick off another box in the Great Reset. Steady now, aye, Reset!


If the current events of the world and the changes taking place are affecting you in many ways but you are indecisive and unable to take a stand, take the first step by believing that these events were already proclaimed in the Bible.

Your hope is in the living God who is in command and who sent His son - Jesus Christ to give you eternal life by dying for your sins. Believe in Him and be at peace and the Holy Spirit will give you wisdom to discern and decide.

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