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World Economic 'Fulcrum': The Guilt That Keeps Giving

26 Jul 2022

The shift to 'owning nothing' might happen sooner than we expected. Thinking of buying an electric car? Forget it, go rent a life!

The World Economic Forum (Fulcrum) never runs of producing guilt in you. It's a machine that continuously spews out shame and unworthiness from within you, yet we end up being in awe of this revered 'fulcrum' which has numerous ring masters. Parked in their virtual pages is perhaps the entire manual of the new world that they are so eagerly waiting to recreate.

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A recent article by Winnie Yeh (Lead, Responsible Sourcing at WEF) has highlighted that

  • Shifting from fossil fuels to renewables requires huge amounts of critical metals.

  • Recycling alone won't be enough to sustain the amount of materials needed

  • We need to increase sharing, reuse and a preference for longevity to reduce demand.

The strategy applied by this author is the same repetitive one used by these self-proclaimed avatars and saviours of mankind - drown you in guilt. And even the emerald solutions that they have been peddling in all their forums are of no use because 'we' are the cause, we are problem but we can never can we be a solution. Only they can dictate to us their pre-fabricated solutions.

The three ‘mindset’ (replace with guilt) changes she proposes are:

1.Go from owning to using

2.Enable preference for longevity

3.Build pride in second life

First they made millions of cars, raked in the profits and built their empires (did they not see the light then about the impact on the world?)

Then they tell us we are polluting the environment by running these cars on fuel coming from those unfathomable 'dinosaurs'.

Then they lock us in our homes for months with our cars and boast about how the wonderful achievement of staying inside allowed the environment to breathe (unconcerned about the destruction of livelihoods).

Then they create a supply chain crisis and then tell us that our lives are not 'resource efficient'. Yet the automobile industry in third-world nations hasn't even reached its full potential for a growing population with disposable income despite the inflation.

Then they mandate the need for electric vehicles and now tell us 'sorry, we don't have enough lithium.'- go carpool, hitch a ride, walk or cycle to work.

'More sharing can reduce ownership of idle equipment thus material usage'. One wonders if it is about the 'ownership' or the 'owner'?

The authors of such articles seem to live in a parochial bubble of their imagination and expect the world to live from that bubble of theirs.


If the current events of the world and the changes taking place are affecting you in many ways but you are indecisive and unable to take a stand, take the first step by believing that these events were already proclaimed in the Bible.

Your hope is in the living God who is in command and who sent His son - Jesus Christ to give you eternal life by dying for your sins. Believe in Him and be at peace and the Holy Spirit will give you wisdom to discern and decide.

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