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India's National Biometric ID (Aadhaar) Launches Face Authentication App

18 Jul 2022

Each day we get closer to the Tribulation. It's only a matter of time before the prophecies & events written in the Bible become a reality.

It is fascinating to see how India is fast shaping its contribution to the new Reset world. Ever since the current ruling government took power in 2014, the country has been seeing some powerful changes taking place at quite a rapid face.

One such major development has been the work of creating a national digital identity (Aadhaar card) database that stores all the citizens' biometric information. One interpretation of this is that in essence every citizen is suspected as a 'possible criminal' hence a pre-emptive move to secure your personal data from your irises, fingerprints and face and use them in the event. Of course the counter argument would be justified in the name of national security and personal authenticity to enable your individual freedom.

The UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) released a Face Authentication App this week.

"The application will enable the Aadhaar Authentication User Agencies (AUA) to capture a person’s face for the authentication process."

Screen Grab:

On the face of it, this might seem quite normal and sequential in the rapid evolution of technology. But think about how it is tracing a parallel to the events in Revelation 13:16 & 17.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

While we are still far from any 'mark' being placed on our hands or foreheads, you can certainly see where these developments are leading to eventually. Payface in Brazil cannot be any more direct in terms of pacing ahead. It is a matter of time before another pandemic of a different kind might force us to let go off our devices, gadgets and money and hence the self-less authentication will be then normalized.

What the Book of Revelation should convey to you is the powerful word of God that has remained through the centuries and how events in the current world are heading towards the execution of those verses recorded almost two-thousand years ago.

Place your trust in God and discern the times and be awake to the developments and don't get caught up in the excitement.


If the current events of the world and the changes taking place are affecting you in many ways but you are indecisive and unable to take a stand, take the first step by believing that these events were already proclaimed in the Bible.

Your hope is in the living God who is in command and who sent His son - Jesus Christ to give you eternal life by dying for your sins. Believe in Him and be at peace and the Holy Spirit will give you wisdom to discern and decide.

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